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Expert Dating Tips: From First Date to Relationship

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Dating Relationships Cheryl Besner Advice
SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Dating Relationships Cheryl Besner Advice
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Regardless of your relationship status, making time for new connections — or reconnecting with an existing partner — is critical.

Welcome back to my playground, Lexual people.

Since I hadn't done an episode yet about dating, I figured it was high time I covered that important topic in one of my podcasts.

One of the reasons dating is so important is that it's not only for single people. If you're in a relationship, it's also important to date your partner (or partners plural, for the rest of us non-monogamous and polyamorous people). Making time for your partner so they can feel special is critical to your relationship.

We don't have enough hours in the day to do everything we have to do. Work itself eats up a lot of time and, by the time you get home, it's sometimes a struggle to find the energy to spend with each other; quality time is often impossible. But making that plan for a date night — once a week if you can — and spending that quality time with each other, reconnecting intimately, can really boost your relationship and your mood! And it also gives you something to look forward to — circle it in red on your calendar!

Although this episode with dating expert Cheryl Besner is focused mostly on people who are single and not in relationships and are looking to meet and connect with someone who interests them (besides for sexual reasons, because Tinder is there for that), you should listen to this podcast.

Cheryl and I will explore the ins and outs of dating, including how to meet people, important questions like how to tackle the first date, how to put your best self forward, trying out the concept of a “pre-date” to vet your prospects, and communicating to your dating companion that you’re interested and want to spend more time together.

We talk about what strategies people can use if they’ve been out of the dating scene for a little while or are just coming out of a long-term relationship.

We'll also be discussing how to get your groove back, rediscovering your self-confidence and self-identity, and how to figure out what you really want and need before starting to date someone new.

So, listen to this episode and you're sure to feel ready to date again!
