Comunidad de Estilo de Vida Swinger para Parejas y solter@s de mente abierta

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General Party, Meet & Greet


Fecha Jun 17, 2023
Hora 11:00
Dirección 291 Balm Beach Rd E
Categoría |
Mating season opportunities to practice the courtship rituals of the sexy beast inside and heat of the favor of your most suitable couples and singles To show your most ambitious breeding practices and crave to be savaged by the sexual beast we all brave to be Let’s party under the stars and snuggle close to the fire We added heat to the main play room and additional indoor play areas We have been restricted from offering additional overnight accommodations as short term rentals are no longer permitted in our area. Playrooms showers and hot tubs are always open but remember to leave the areas clean for the next person Friday night wear your brightest most wild and dramatic outfits Flower power, fluorescent, and tie-dye Stand out and be noticed We battle each others playlist in our silent disco to some erotic compilations Huge bonfires Saturday we splash we massage we paint our own warriors No clothing required or wear white so you can save the art we create We will be welcoming you all to rub your painted bodies on the playroom walls To help memorialize the moments. Battle the DJ with another silent disco night Huge bonfires Couples edible body experience (I am not going to indulge in description) Your just going to have to experience it to understand the euphoria. This will be limited to select couples we will vote on ?????? Pot luck BYOB Each person must provide a meal and help with cleaning service for each other. Make sure you have coolers with ice as limited fridge space is available. Food will be set up buffet style in the house And everyone will be welcomed to help themselves. Clothing in mandatory in all food locations please As always we divide up the jobs so everyone can be a part More details to come about how many people we can party with this year as we are still in construction to bring you a venue that continues to improve and offer more opportunities to fantasize about what’s next xoxo The cost is $120 per night for anyone staying single ladies are always free but they need to participate in pot luck and communal jobs Anyone coming just for the evening events $60 and your requested to bring munchies if needed. All day passes without overnight $90 and bring something we need for our pot luck.