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Preferisci guardare o essere guardato? Scopri il lato erotico dell'esibizionismo e del voyeurismo.
SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Swingers Club Oasis Aqualounge Fatima Mechtab Cece
Sex Clubs: What are They Really Like?
While swingers' clubs are more well-known for couples and singles who are looking to hook up with each other, sex clubs have a more broad definition.

Intimate Lesbian Couple Bed Sexual Fantasies Taboo Lexi Sylver SDC
Sexual Fantasies: Taboo, Popular, and Surprising Scenarios
Do you want to know what kinds of filthy things that people fantasize about?

Woman wearing red lipstick and biting her lower lip with one side of her mouth
Watch Out, She's a Biter!
Yes, another delightful diatribe from your sexy wacky friends, Sally and Mitch! This time around, we discuss watching porn while doing porn.

SDC Lexi Sylver Sex Education Advice Coach Discussion Sexual Health Dating Relationships Pandemic
How to Stay Sexy in These Challenging Times
How can we remember to enjoy ourselves and our partners, even if some of those partners aren't living with us during this pandemic?

Pineapple pool float representing swinger lifestyle parties
Splash Lifestyle Events with Bobby
Dan and Lacy talk to Bobby the general manager of Splash lifestyle events one of the premier couples only lifestyle experiences in the nation.

a photo of a swinger couple on a cruise ship looking over the ocean sunset
Lifestyle Interview: Bliss Cruise 101 with Dr. Stoehr
In this episode of The Swing Nation Podcast, Dan and Lacy sit down with Dr. Stoehr and her husband, Regan, to talk about their recent experience on a swingers cruise known as Bliss Cruise.

woman wearing a white nurse coat with purple stethoscope and gloves
Real-Life Swinger Stories | Club Trapeze: Naughty Nurses
In this episode, Dan and Lacy delve into the exhilarating world of Club Trapeze in Atlanta for Naughty Nurses Night.

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Sex Education Swinging Downunder Cate Darrell Australia
Swinging Around the World
If you're a swinger who loves to travel, and/or you want to know what the swinger lifestyle is like in other countries around the world, get ready to be inspired with wanderlust!

Christian religious book bible
How Your Religion Influences Your Sexuality
Do you have religious shame? Do you make sexual decisions based on your religious upbringing? In this episode, we explore religion and its effects on sexuality.

couple on a cruise ship
Temptations at Sea: Bliss Cruise Bucket List
In this episode, Dan and Lacy dive deep into their wildest desires, sharing their naughty bucket list of tantalizing experiences they envision for themselves and their partners on the upcoming Bliss Swingers Lifestyle Cruise.

We Gotta Thing Podcast Mr Mrs Jones Swingers Dating Profile Dinner Event Club
Who the F*** are You?
The Joneses talk about their experience with swinger date site profiles.

Queer couple standing intimately
American Sex Podcast Episode 77: Queer Porn Goes 'Straight Curious' with Shine Louise Houston
From pay inequities to identity policing, this episode dives into queerness in the adult entertainment industry.

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Sex Education Workers Dirty Lola Francisco Ramirez
Redefining Sex in the Digital Age: Part 2
Guests Dirty Lola and Francisco Ramirez discuss how to maintain body-positivity, sex-positivity, and inclusivity in the highly critical world of social media.

SDC Lexi Sylver Podcast Sex Education Sexuality NonMonogamy Open Relationships Dr Laurie Betito
The Swinging Lifestyle & Types of Open Relationships
Listen for Lexi Sylver's guest appearance on Dr. Laurie Betito's radio show on CJAD 8000.

Podcast headphones with hearts emotional healing
American Sex Podcast Episode 78: Emotional Healing with Zoe Ligon
Popular social media sex educator Zoë Ligon — aka thongria — discusses everything from authenticity and emotional incest to reconciling feminism and BDSM.