Swingers Lifestyle Community for Open-Minded Couples & Singles

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General Party, Pool Party, Swingers Club Party


Date Dec 06, 2023
Time 13:00
Address 231 Mutual Street
Category |
Tonight, starting at 9:00 pm, we are hosting our annual holiday XXX-market, featuring an array of sex and kink-positive vendors. In the spirit of the holidays, we are collecting non-perishable food items towards The 519 Community Center. Guests who bring in a non-perishable food item (must feed at least two people as a meal) will receive $10 off admission. If you are looking for a sexy and unique item for a loved one (or for yourself!), check out these local, independent businesses. Their items will be displayed on the 1st and 2nd floors of the club from 9:00 pm until 12:00 am. Emmy Tran Art Pink Banana Sparkles Vibrating Tarot Work It Hot Handmade Glass Toys Earogenous Indy Zine Guests who make their first purchase from a vendor of their choice will receive a complimentary drink ticket. Come for Naked Yoga at 6:00 pm and stay to swim, socialize, sex and shop! Solos and couples are welcome from 1:00 pm to 3:00 am. Sundays through Thursdays welcome solo men, women, and couples. Fridays and Saturdays are exclusive to women and couples.