Swingers Lifestyle Community for Open-Minded Couples & Singles

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General Party, Swingers Club Party


Date Jul 21, 2023
Time 22:00
Address Address Given upon R.S.V.P.
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Friday, July 21, 2023 * Our exciting return to Vegas! * 2 Nights With Playhouse LV/Flirts!! This is the long awaited reunion between PlayhouseLV and GenieWishes! The 5 previous collaborations were very successful... But its been more than 3 years since the GenieWishes group last gathered in Vegas. The world has changed since then but one thing is still the same: the fun bond between Playhouse LV and GenieWishes. This time people are gathering for 2 nights, first on Friday at the epic PlayhouseLV Club. This location has grown across time to become the finest Lifestyle destination in Vegas: upscale decor, music, lights, & on-premise play that is second to none. On Saturday night, the gathering shifts over to Flirts, the wonderful new location owned and operated by the PlayhouseLV team. This will be a kick off to a new season of Vegas events for the GnG community that has expanded to include Arizona Fantasy Club and Hotwife Palooza. So you can expect all of these groups to bring it as we engage in sexy conversation, dancing with a great DJ, stunning attire, on-premise play, and most importantly, many of the most exceptional people in the Lifestyle Community. You have to join us for this one!!! Seven more FAQs With Answers For You: * Can you tell us more about Playhouse LV & Flirts? Yes!! We are super excited about this collaboration with Playhouse LV and Flirts. If you havent attended their parties yet, Playhouse LV has been rocking Vegas since 2018 with events that feature an upscale vibe, gorgeous guest lists, and play-friendly party formats. Some people describe it as a "speakeasy" feeling when they first arrive (secluded, low profile location) as 1st time guests are typically greeted at the door and escorted on a tour by the owner. We love the beautiful ambiance, the clever layout, a large social area where the stunning guests hang out by the bar in classy-sexy arrival attire during the opening hour. Once the arrival hours end, there are no additional guests, and everyone can "let your hair down" (with many ladies shifting into play attire) as the party heats up with provocative dancing and on-premise play. If you have not attended lately, they have expanded their venue so the size and capacity has essentially doubled!! Flirts is located in a large house setting in a different part of town, but it brings the same sexy excitement and swag as the original club. We cant wait to experience the novelty and energy of Flirts on the night after partying together at PHLV. The team at Playhouse LV and Flirts understand how to deliver what so many of us are looking for: Vegas glitz, upscale romance, a sexually charged environment that has clean and safe play spaces, great lighting & music, stunning people sharing the evening together. :-) * What vibe should we expect from the people attending? For this event, we expect a sexy combination of local Vegas friends, Phoenix pals, California sexies, and a few others from nearby states. This is not a takeover event, so our group will be the "party within the party" typically about half of the total people who attend on these sold out nights. The vast majority of the members of GenieWishes and AFC are between the ages of 25 to 55 and well versed in the standard Lifestyle Community etiquette related to respect and consent. * Is there on premise play consistently taking place? Yes. Once the entry hours end, the on-premise play begins. Safe, clean, and respectful play environments have been a cornerstone of these events for many years. In a nutshell, you can expect a flirtatiously sexy atmosphere early, and a sexually charged environment later in the night. * Where is the location going to be? The Vegas address of the club will be announced privately to all of our ticket holders during the week of the event... Its slightly off the strip and relatively close to the rest of the main Vegas venues. * Is this gathering for couples only? No. Single ladies attend both nights. The Friday night gathering also supports a small number of exceptional single men. The Saturday night party consists of couples and solo females only. The majority of the people attending both nights will be couples. * Is it okay if we want to invite some friends who are not on the guest list? We are open to the possibility of allowing trusted friends of our trusted friends. Please communicate with us in advance so we are all on the same page and we have everyone included in our RSVP process and our orientation/etiquette information notes. * When do we purchase our tickets and how much does it cost? Tickets will be sold in advance through GenieWishes, Arizona Fantasy Club and Playhouse LV. This event may sell out and there are no plans to sell tickets at the door. You will want to secure your tickets here immediately to assure your spot so you can start making all the other important planning decisions.